
The main activities of the project focused on the concept of open education, meaning InnEO e-learning courses are freely available to all universities and beyond in an open manner. This innovative approach is useful for any university who wants to foster new careers for PhD students and researchers from any domain by providing them with transferable skills to fit the European industry and stakeholder needs.

Major results successfully achieved by the InnEO Space PhD project:

  • 2 InnEO schools organized, with a plan for training including training material and survey on learning content
  • 3 Startech trainings organized to develop PhD students’ entrepreneurship mindset
  • Development of the InnEO platform, to boost learning, professional and community resources  InnEO platform
  • 3 SPOCs + one crash course to prepare a hackathon
  • A fully transferable strategy to monitor PhD graduates and optimize their success on the job market, together with a career development skills self-assessment

The Inn’EO Space PhD project represent a new advance in the fast- changing work environment. Its results will help providing new business opportunities thanks to skill development. It will also stimulate the integration of Earth Observation (EO) into the society and bring benefits to European PhD students and researchers.

In terms of communication and dissemination activities:


In terms of project sustainability:

  • Some courses in Artificial Intelligence will be reused by 2 universities in Toulouse to train 100 students
  • Creation of a new project « InnEO’Space School » in Toulouse for 5 years, providing 400 hours of training to students 
  • Reuse and updates of the SPOCs for AI4Agri project funded by Horizon Europe
  • Regular updates and improvements of SPOCs
  • The InnEO platform will be maintained for 5 years